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News & Resources

EU Settled Status Info Session - do you need to act now?
UPDATED FLYER> UPDATED DATES> A number of organisations in Newham, lead by The Renewal Programme, are working together to support Newham...

Residents choose important issues for new Citizens’ Assembly to discuss
Newham Council are inviting residents to choose one key local topic they want Newham’snewpermanent Citizens’ Assembly to debate this...

Free Parent Course
Newham Council Headstart team have launched an online Parent Course for Newham Parents. The course is free and being run through to the...

Celebrate Wellbeing week with Community Links
Community Links have a virtual wellbeing week starting 19th April with various free workshops on Zoom throughout the week. All workshops...

Using up surplus food in Newham
With over 100 local organisations providing food support to Newham residents during Covid Lockdown, we are already pretty good at...

World Autism Awareness Day
Thursday 22nd April marks the celebration of World Autism Awareness Day. Newham Council are running a virtual event to celebrate the...

Support for Asian Elders from Subco
Asian elders in Newham can seek support from local charity Subco Trust. Please see this leaflet for full details of current services on...

Funding for Events to mark Dying Matters Week 10-16 May
Newham Council is helping community run groups / projects and voluntary organisations mark Dying Matters Week (10-16 May) 2021 in a way...

Help and support for Newham families over the Easter Holiday period
Check out this leaflet which offers a wide range of help and support for Newham families over the Easter Holidays.

Get involved in Newham local Community Assembly
Newham Council will be running various Community Assemblies between 6 April to 26 April to identify and discuss how best to address...

How to ask for "reasonable adjustment" when you get your vaccine
This helpful guide from charity Mencap may help Newham residents be confident to ask for help when they are getting their Covid Vaccination.

Supporting Newham residents to complete the Census
The Census takes place on Sunday 21 March. Every household living in Newham will be required to fill it in, regardless of immigration...

Newham pensioners missing out on Pension Credit
Research has identified Newham as one of the London boroughs with the highest number and proportion of people of state pension age who...

Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime: countering violent extremism
Following the horrific terrorist attacks on a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, the then Home Secretary announced a range of...

Racism and Inequality Time to Talk
The London Borough of Newham is launching a survey and a series of Time to Talk sessions focused on Racism, Inequality and...

Support to employ a young person.
The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to create new job placements for 16 to 24 year olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long...

Support for EU nationals and new right to work check.
Over recent weeks, the Work Rights Centre team have been working around the clock to address questions about EU nationals' right to work...

Free legal advice for BAM women.
London Black Women's Project offer free legal advice (via our clinics) and casework around family law, immigration, housing and NRPF...

Free Counselling for BME women and girls who have experienced domestic violence
London Black Women's Project is offering free counselling services for BME women and girls who have experienced domestic violence or...

Mentoring support for 10 to 14 year olds
West Ham United Foundation are offering free mentoring project to support 10-14-year-olds at risk of falling out of education and/or...
Select a category to find the corresponding resources One Newham
has gathered to support you
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