One Newham is a network of voluntary, community and faith groups that are rooted in local communities and work to improve the lives of people in Newham. One Newham was created so that members learn from each other, benefit from each other’s strengths and expertise and innovate through collaboration to find the best solutions to the issues that concern local people and communities.
We are strategic, solution focused, practical and accessible.
We believe that everyone gains when we work together: organisations grow stronger, services become more responsive and people find their power. Our vision is of Newham as a place where people, organisations and services all collaborate to build fairer and stronger communities.

To foster a network that acts as a platform for collaboration, through sharing knowledge, hosting events and facilitating access to support that enhances the effectiveness and impact of the voluntary, community and faith sector in Newham.
A platform for collaboration: We believe that the best way of putting our vision into practice is by offering a platform that individuals, organisations and networks can use for open collaboration across neighbourhoods or the whole borough of Newham.
For example, during the current Covid-19 crisis, we helped the local authority collaborate with local organisations so that our residents receive the assistance they need, and organisations are strengthened so they can play their part.
Events: we facilitate regular events for our members and anyone interested in their work. This could range from small workshops to a borough-wide conference.
The first One Newham conference was held in 2019 at the London Stadium and brought together 180 members, partners and contributors.
Intelligence sharing: we share intelligence and knowledge via ad hoc emails, social media and our website.
Support: we facilitate access to support made available from partners and members to members.
Strategic engagement: we offer our partners and stakeholders an easy way of engaging with voluntary organisations and community groups in Newham.

Trustees hold the overall legal responsibility for One Newham and deal with matters such as compliance, finance and fundraising, policy and policies. One Newham trustees approve membership applications. Our founding trustees come from the organisations that set up One Newham. In future, they will be directly elected by our members.

Susanne Rauprich OBE
Our independent Chair is Forest Gate resident Susanne Rauprich OBE. She was appointed to that role in June 2018, bringing with her a long history of managing charities and facilitating their networks. Her professional background is education and youth work, her passion is community and football (she is a long suffering Arsenal season ticket holder). Most days she works as the chief executive of Citizens Advice Redbridge. Susanne’s ambition is to make One Newham the go-to place for anyone who wishes to engage with community and voluntary organisations in Newham.
Faith Johnson
Chief Executive
Caramel Rock
.Faith Johnson is an arts and cultural leader and social entrepreneur. She founded Caramel Rock and runs School College Fashion Week and Petra Fashion. Faith's mission is to empower young people and provide support for those entering fashion to create a level playing field for all, with a particular focus on improving diversity in the industry both socially and culturally.
Joe Lyons
Chief Executive
West Ham United Foundation
Joseph has over fifteen years' experience working across the community sports sector, providing successful leadership and applying core values of community engagement to pioneer and create influential partnerships and projects. Since joining the West Ham United Foundation as CEO in June 2013, his work across East London has been an example of his multi-layered approach to building meaningful collaborations in order to tackle local need and utilise the power of elite sport for social good.
Amanda Dubarry
Chief Executive
Caritas Anchor House
Amanda joined Caritas Anchor House as Chief Executive in March 2018, following 22 years at youth homelessness charity Step by Step. Amanda is a Homeless Link Board Member and sits on their National Advisory Panel, and has held a number of trustee and committee roles at both the national and local level in the health and housing sectors. She is also the Chair of Homeless Link's Ending Women's Homelessness Grants Panel. She is passionate about making a difference and developing excellent services to achieve meaningful outcomes for service users, and her work has been award winning in this respect.
Claire Helman
Claire is the CEO of Aston-Mansfield, a long-standing Newham organisation working with children, young people and families. She has worked in senior management roles for a number of organisations in the voluntary, public and private sectors, both in the UK and internationally. She is also Chair of the Baobab Centre for Young Survivors in Exile, a therapeutic community working with young people who have experienced extreme violence and trauma.
Hannah Tulloch
Ascension Community Trust
Hannah has worked in the voluntary sector in Newham since 2008 and started as CEO of Ascension Community Trust in 2017. She managed the Garden Community Café for several years and is very passionate about food projects, particularly as a way to engage with the community. Most of Hannah’s experience is within small faith based charities and she is keen to use entrepreneurship and innovative solutions to see these charities become more sustainable.
Peter Laing
The Renewal Programme
Peter joined The Renewal Programme in March 2020, after spending the past 30 years working in the borough, most recently as Chief Executive of Bonny Downs Community Association. Prior to that, Peter worked for Newham Council in education, administration and project management roles. His expertise lies in strategic planning, fundraising, project management and community development. His passion is working collaboratively to bring out the best in people and communities.
Fiona Baird
Chief Executive
Newham New Deal Partnership
Fiona joined Newham NDP in June 2014 to support the charity during a period of change, and stayed. She worked in communications and marketing roles in the public, corporate and charity sectors before developing a 20-year consultancy career in the not for profit sector, working with charities of all sizes, and their funders. She has substantial experience as a Trustee and School Governor, and as an activist. She is passionate about community engagement, and unlocking the contribution that people can bring to their communities.
Taskin Saleem
Subco Trust
Taskin joined Sub Trust in February 1995. Taskin has worked in Newham for many years, previously holding roles as Race Equality Officer with Newham Council, Non-Executive Director of Newham Primary Care Trust and tutoring social work students at University of East London. Taskin is passionate about influencing all areas that impact the lives of individuals and families from our communities.