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News & Resources

Free grant search tools
Here is information about two free grant search tools. Did you know you can sign up for this free grant search tool on London Borough of...

Sign Up for Compost London voluntary sector newsletter
Compost London are providing infrastructure support for the voluntary sector in Newham. We encourage you to sign up for the Compost...

Help for community groups to apply for grants
The Fitter Finance Team at Aston-Mansfield are experienced in supporting Newham community organisations to improve their financial...

Is your organisation signed up with the Compost Survey?
One Newham is encouraging all community and faith groups in Newham who are providing services for Newham residents, to sign up for the...

Aston-Manfield is recruiting 2 Community Connectors
Aston-Manfield is recruiting 2 Community Connectors. The role is about supporting people to achieve better mental health and well-being.
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has gathered to support you
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