"In a world where you can be anything, be kind”
Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness week. This year, the theme is kindness.
In times of crisis, it’s never been more important to take care of our mental wellbeing and look out for others. To help, we now have brand new courses available to join free, made by experts at top universities and institutions to help you:
Understand the Physiological impact of lockdown on our Wellbeing and Mental Health on Maudsley Learning and Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust’s course (the UK's premier mental health training organisation)
Help Young People Manage Low Mood and Depression with the University of Reading
Manage Mental Health and Stress on Coventry University's course
On our blog, we’ve gathered some ideas on how to Stay Healthy During Lockdown and be kind to your mind during times of upheaval.
For more resources to help, head to our collection of courses to Support Your Mental Health In Lockdown.

University of MichiganUEA (University of East Anglia)
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