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News & Resources

Learning Together Programme
Voluntary, community and faith groups in Newham have the chance to sign up to this free programme to help your organisation develop its...

5 minutes to learn about charity governance
The Charity Commission have issued a new series of 5 minute video guides to help charities understand their governance requirements. The...

Free Thriving Communities webinar on loneliness
Thriving Communities webinar series: Loneliness and Social Prescribing Tuesday May 11 3-4pm Thriving Communities webinar will explore...

Free community leadership workshops for Newham residents
Birkbeck are once again running our free community leadership workshops for Newham residents, with the first session coming on Thursday...

50 Steps progress update
Newham Council has set up a website dedicated to the 50 Steps to a Healthier Newham programme. You can find the website here Check out...

EU Settled Status Info Session - do you need to act now?
UPDATED FLYER> UPDATED DATES> A number of organisations in Newham, lead by The Renewal Programme, are working together to support Newham...

Residents choose important issues for new Citizens’ Assembly to discuss
Newham Council are inviting residents to choose one key local topic they want Newham’snewpermanent Citizens’ Assembly to debate this...

Can you help shape health care in East London?
North East London Clinical Commissioning Group is looking to recruit an associate lay member to champion the diverse voices of all local...

Free Parent Course
Newham Council Headstart team have launched an online Parent Course for Newham Parents. The course is free and being run through to the...

Opportunity to apply for £10k grant for new initiatives which address the needs of people in ethnic
National charity Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) are one of the delivery partners for the NHS Volunteer Responders programme (NHSVR). ...

Celebrate Wellbeing week with Community Links
Community Links have a virtual wellbeing week starting 19th April with various free workshops on Zoom throughout the week. All workshops...

Using up surplus food in Newham
With over 100 local organisations providing food support to Newham residents during Covid Lockdown, we are already pretty good at...

Newham Council relaunches small grants scheme
Newham Council has launched a third round of small grants for Newham voluntary and community groups who are providing support to Newham...

East End Community Foundation research findings.
A survey by East End Community Foundation conducted with voluntary sector organisations across East London mirrors the experience we have...

Funding for Events to mark Dying Matters Week 10-16 May
Newham Council is helping community run groups / projects and voluntary organisations mark Dying Matters Week (10-16 May) 2021 in a way...

Help and support for Newham families over the Easter Holiday period
Check out this leaflet which offers a wide range of help and support for Newham families over the Easter Holidays.

Get involved in Newham local Community Assembly
Newham Council will be running various Community Assemblies between 6 April to 26 April to identify and discuss how best to address...

How to ask for "reasonable adjustment" when you get your vaccine
This helpful guide from charity Mencap may help Newham residents be confident to ask for help when they are getting their Covid Vaccination.

New grant funding for youth centres at risk of closure
Julia and Hans Rausing Trust Youth Centre Recovery Fund-deadline 31st March The Youth Centre Recovery Fund has been established to help...

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Youth Standing Up Against Racism
Newham Council is marking International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination with an online event hosted by activist, poet,...
Select a category to find the corresponding resources One Newham
has gathered to support you
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