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One Newham is a partnership network for the voluntary, community and faith sector.


We believe that everyone gains when we work together: organisations grow stronger, services become more responsive and people find their power. Our vision is of Newham as a place where people, organisations and services all collaborate to build fairer and stronger communities.

Getting help and support

The Covid 19 pandemic has meant the Council, the voluntary and community sector (VCS), faith groups and neighbourhood Covid19 groups working together in new and unusual ways to get help and support to residents during this difficult time. One Newham has worked closely with the Council and Compost London to support voluntary, community and faithorganisations. Use our News and Resources page to find out how you can get help.


Want to know how to collaborate with others in our sector? Want to know who is representing the sector at Statutory meetings?  Our One Newham Networks pages tell you what’s happening and how to join in.




Volunteering is about giving your time and skills, unpaid, for the benefit of others or your wider community. It’s a really rewarding activity that can help you get involved in your local community, meet new people, develop your confidence and skills, and have fun!  

To find a volunteer role that’s suitable for you, there are various places you can look:


  • advertises a wide range of volunteer opportunities - you can search by postcode here

  • Active Newham can link you up with a range of volunteer opportunities locally here

  • If you are looking for some volunteering that uses your professional skills, or perhaps a Trustee role search for your ideal role at Reach Volunteering here

  • You could find a local organisation you might like to volunteer with – many advertise volunteer vacancies on their websites or you can give them a call. Check out our Membership Directory here for a list of local organisations.

It might take a couple of tries before you find a volunteering role that’s right for you. Please be
patient if the organisation takes a while to get back to you – many organisations are really stretched
and struggle to answer every enquiry on time. Just given them a friendly reminder that you are still
interested in volunteering with them.
Good luck, and thank you for thinking of giving back to our wonderful community in Newham.


Our members are voluntary, community and faith groups that work in the London Borough of Newham in communities, neighbourhoods or borough-wide.


 ONE Newham 

One Newham is a partnership network for voluntary, community and faith groups

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One Newham is a registered charity (1181534)

© Copyright One Newham 2021. 

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